Tampa Bay – Bradenton – Sarasota – Boca Grande


Report Date: July 8, 2010

Tampa Bay was wet and soggy last week. It rained, rained, and rained some more. All the rain sure helped cool things down a bit, including the water temperature. The water temperature dropped from the 90’s down to the lower 80’s.

There are many changes happening in the Bay right now. Not only is the water temperature dropping drastically, we are also beginning to see summer baits. The summer bite is about to be hot! Although a few redfish are in the Bay now, they have been tough to catch. More redfish should begin to show up.

The snook bite

has been a little slow, but we did manage to catch a few. I don’t think snook like the high water temperature. With the small bait showing up and the water temperature dropping; we will start c

We’ve had to work for a good tarpon bite lately, but we’ve started every morning by jumping a tarpon or two! What a great way for a fisherman to start his day! Please visit www.castawaychartersinc.com and book your trip today!

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Cast Away Charters, Inc.
Tampa Bay – Bradenton – Sarasota – Boca Grande

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