Tampa Bay – Bradenton – Sarasota – Boca Grande

Tampa Bay Fishing Is Out Of Control!

Report Date: January 3, 2009

The weather changed a bit this week. It cooled down, but it sure didn’t last long. The temperature dropped down to 46 degrees one day, but came right back up the next. Although the temperature only stayed at 46 degrees for one day, it did manage to decrease water temperature a bit. Before the past front the water temperature was up

to 72 degrees, which is almost unheard of this time of year. Although it is winter, the weather is much like that of spring. The fish just don’t know what to think.

We have mostly been catching fish around the mouths of the area rivers with live bait. When the water temperature is above 63 degrees as it’s been lately, the fish bite shiners better than shrimp. In my opinion, the best time to use shrimp as bait is when the water temperature is between 55 degrees and 62 degrees. The water temperature hasn’t gotten below 55 degrees

lately except for maybe a day or two. We’ve been catching mostly snook, redfish, trout, and flounder. The bite has been good, but of course, the bite is slower on days right before a front.

Fishing will remain the same as long as the water temperature remains warm. Although I have not done any tarpon fishing lately, I think that the great silver kings are probably still around because the water temperature is warm.
Please visit www.castawaychartersinc.com and book your spring trip today!

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Cast Away Charters, Inc.
Tampa Bay – Bradenton – Sarasota – Boca Grande

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